Independent testing, adjusting and balancing of HVAC system components in compliance with international standards.

We provide vibration testing for both predictive maintenance and reactive maintenance. With our predictive maintenance technique.

The quality of air within our working environment is extremely important ASHRAE following an extensive survey concluded that productivity.

Electrical commissioning is essential to the start up of any electrical system for the first time, regardless of size or industry.

Experience the next level of system integrity and performance with our dedicated Flushing and chemical Cleaning services at Stars Oasis.

The commissioning company has a major role in any building as their independent input helps all concerned focus on the performance of each system.

A duct leakage tester is a diagnostic tool designed to measure the air tightness of forced air heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) ductwork.

We pride ourselves as one of the leading professionals in the preparation of Electro-Mechanical Services Operating and Maintenance manuals.

Unlock the full potential of your MEP systems with our specialized Retro-Commissioning services at Star Oasis.

Upon completion of Testing and Balancing, we will provide Sound Level Test and Environmental condition monitoring.

We record the physical details, design data and the dynamic measurement of volumetric flow rates, static pressures, speed and absorbed current.

For owners and operators of all electro-mechanical services, witnessing, inspection and verification of plant and equipment installed is a mandatory process.

The quality of air within our working environment is extremely important ASHRAE following an extensive survey concluded that productivity.
Our working process - how we work for our customers




Let us help your business to move forward.

USA office
55 Gerad Lane,
NY 11201, USA

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Ta-134/A, Link
Road, Gulshan-1

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(+088) 589-8745
(+088) 222-9999